Schoolfundr helps you stop giving Vertical Raise 20% of the funds you raise
At Schoolfundr, we enable school communities to keep 100% of the funds they raise less standard online processing fees.
See how much you would keep fundraising with Schoolfundr vs Vertical Raise
Schoolfundr does not have a 20% platform fee, but rather lets you keep 100% of the funds you raise less credit card fees. That is why school communities raise and keep thousands more when fundraising with Schoolfundr.

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3 reasons schools choose Schoolfundr over Vertical Raise
Best in class
platform and features
Raise more with less work with features such as customized student pages, 1-click social media sharing, and the ability to effortlessly run activity based a-thon fundraisers.
Best in class customer service and support
A dedicated fundraising coach accessible via cell phone to guide you through the fundraising process and help maximize the impact of your campaign.
Best in class
economic model
Keep 100% of the funds you raise, less standard credit card processing fees. Get your funds right after your fundraiser ends.
Schoolfundr pricing vs Vertical Raise
Schoolfundr is free - no subscription plans, tiers, or platform fee on every dollar that you raise - while Vertical Raise requires users to sacrifice 20% of every dollar raised. On top of the 20%, Vertical Raise asks the donor to cover the 4% payment processing fee and charges fees for gifts and prizes. When adding the platform, processing, and prize fees they can often total over 30% of every dollar raised

How to raise 50% more than your fundraiser last year
Mountain Range Boys raised $2,240 more than last year with their first fundraiser on Schoolfundr. Because Schoolfundr has no contracts or fees, Mountain Range Boys kept $1,160 more than with their previous fundraising company. Read how they achieved their remarkable result.

What customers are saying who switched from Vertical Raise to Schoolfundr
Tyler Zappia
Athletic Director

Compare Schoolfundr features to Vertical Raise

Switch to Schoolfundr in minutes, and bring everything with you
Easily import your historical data to Schoolfundr when you switch—hassle-free and completely self-service. Keep building on your success immediately rather than starting from scratch or waiting for a data transfer.
No contracts, no fees